Friday, December 31, 2010

Joe Perry Put it Down With Steez Machine Today

He may be one of those DDM kids, but he was rollin with us today.  Fakie full cab.  God damn.



Monday, December 27, 2010

Makin a Comeback

Steez Machine's been out of the coverage game almost entirely since Cole's camera broke, but I've been trying to get back on top of my shit shooting some skating, especially considering I just picked up a couple flashes. Here's some shots from the first day shooting with said flashes, plus a little bit from before that I just never got around to posting. To see any of these bigger, just click on the photo to go to my flickr. Don't sleep on Steez Machine. We're makin a comeback.

Damon Lucero, Kickflip

Mack Kirk, Pop Shuv

Mack Kirk, Heelflip

Cameron Heard, Wallride

Adam English, Kickflip

I also shot the Vans Downtown Showdown this year. I won't post everything from that, but if you want to see the other shots, just click on the next photo to go to my flickr and check them out.

Tommy Sandoval, Frontside Flip