Tuesday, November 24, 2009


so now that the battle at the berrics 2 is over berra's gonna post the top ten for the younited nation's contest soon. it's about time, right? but yeah, soon enough we'll know if we made it or not. either way our montage is getting posted on here so you can finally see our most (semi)recent footage.

i want to start working on another montage really soon. we've already got a few clips, but don't be surprised if you don't see one till next year. if that's going to be the case then i'll have to throw something random up on here before that. so be ready!

Monday, November 9, 2009

so believe it or not,

we actually filmed a little this weekend. i think we actually somehow managed to skate every day too. i'm undecided about wether or not i'm going to save this footy for a montage. some of it i probably will. the rest i'll throw up on here at some point.

so since this place has been a bit lacking in the media department lately here's a couple photos kyle shot from a couple recent seshes and didn't put up for whatever reason.

mac's pop shove over rsm intermediate

yes, i'm wearing a woman's sun hat. i saw some bitch on i want to work for diddy with the same one. fuck yeah!

damon trying front blunt into the rock. he never got it but i'm hoping we'll go back to get it soon.

stay tuned. i'll try to get a few clips up soon.